

Sender Info:
St Johns, Newfoundland
Recipient Info:
Edward S Stebbins612 Masonic Temple
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Current Owner:
Comments: | Early use of this stamp, proper use given destination and registration
Transit cancel in Boston "Registry" on August 22 |
Cover Data:
Unique Identifier of Cover: | 20404 |
Approximate Year of Use: | 1897 |
Date Sent: | 8/17/1897 |
Transit date (from transit cancel) 1: |
8/22/1897 |
Arrival date (from destination cancel): |
8/1897 |
Registered? | yes |
Stamp Data:
Common Stamp Number 68
NSSC Stamp Number: | 59 |
Color of Stamp: | Black brown |
Type of Paper: |